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Saturday, July 28, 2007

11 days and counting

Here's a picture of me and Jeremy on my birthday - 38 1/2 weeks pregnant! I look huge!! I can't believe in less than a couple of weeks we will be mommy and daddy! For my birthday and as a "push" present Jeremy got me the ruby and diamond ring I've been eying for over a year - I was very excited. We also had a great dinner at Hot & Hot Fish Club - it was very yummy! Jeremy gave me a super sweet birthday card from Baby James - made me cry but very sweet.
Well, it looks like James is still pretty comfy and not ready to make his appearance yet. I went to the doctor Friday and no change since the week before. I go back this Wednesday, which will be exactly one week from our August 8th due date - hopefully I will have progressed some by then. It looks like Jeremy is going to get his wish of James being born after August 1st - that way he will make the Little League cut-off date.
I've attached some pics of the nursery for everyone to peruse as we await the arrival of baby James.