exact same things I was this time last year! Crazy!
We also have a contract on our house - Praise God! Most people were surprised that we were trying to sell our house with the market the way it is but I knew that if God wanted our house to sell it would - so now the craziness begins. We are buying a house on 8 acres that is a total remodel. We won't be able to live in the house during the renovation so I am praying that it is completed before the baby arrives but that may be a little wishful thinking! I've just got to be ready to go with the flow- which is not my strong suit but I'm working on it! Once again, I can see how the Lord so perfectly orchestrated everything up to this point so I have to trust Him all the way! The next several months are going to be pretty interesting!!
James is still moving around the house like crazy and is "talking" up a storm. He is supposed to be napping right now but I can hear him in his room talking to his aquarium! Here are some fun pics. As I've said before, I am having a hard time getting very many good pictures of him because he moves so fast and my camera has a delay -
"I'm coming your way momma!"
look at my two bottom teeth!
Being serenaded by daddy!
"How did I get here and how do I get out?"
"Aha- I think I figured it out!"
This is what happens when I was cleaning up his room and he crawled out - he was honestly out of my sight no more than 45 seconds at the most!